Big A: Hey Momma, Addison is my little Sister.
Me: Yep
Big A: and I'm her Big Brother
Me: Yes you are
Big A: I Love her Sooooo much.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Fireplace Re-do!
When we moved into our house we had this great fireplace and love fires on cold winter nights but the fireplace doors were Brass colored and had a large Burn mark on them. NOT awesome at all! SO I have asked Jeff for like 8 years if we could just paint it black ( I have black accents around the room so I thought it'd look perfect!) Well FINALLY Jeff said Yes! So off to Lowes, I got "High Heat" Rustoliem spray paint in matte black (on sale for $4.99 with 25% more free! Score!) and here are the results! Looks much better don't you think?
Before...All taped up and ready to paint! |
No going back now.... |
After the first coat of paint..... |
and Voila!! Much more modern and No burn mark!! all for $4.99! |
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentines Day
Big A this morning..."Momma, you are my Balentine! I love you my whole life!!"
Well that just made my Valentines Day!!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Knock Off Valentines Hanger Tutorial!
I LOVED the new Valentines line in a certain "Barn" catalog but didn't like the prices at all, so I decided to give making them myself a try...the results for the hearts hanger are below. Not a dead on copy but pretty close with a total cost of $3.50 vs the $45 for the catalog version.
My finished Valentines hanging! |
I didn't want to pay $8 at the craft store for a metal ring so I bought an old lamp shade from a thrift store $1! |
I cut out the top ring and ended up with this (I'm saving the lower metal ring for another project) |
Cut a 14" piece of fishing line and tie it to your metal ring. |
Now poke a hole in your heart (I varied this, I did some in the center and some to the side) |
Now thred yout heart on your fishing line and tie a knot in the line where you wanted it to hang. Repeat this till you have 4-5 hearts on your line. |
Here is a finished line. Repeat this all the way around your ring. Mine took 12 lines to look nice and full, will vary depending on the size of your ring. |
Now wrap the metal ring with the pipe cleaners. This make it look finished and will help hold your lines in place around the ring. Last, wrap a few (mine took 3) pipe cleaners in the center to use to hang your "hanger" and Voila! I hope you have found this helpful. Happy Valentines!!! |
Monday, February 6, 2012
...But I'm so Much more!!
So we went to dinner with a friend from work and his wife the other night. Had a nice time, tried a new place Wing Nutz. Food was okay, don’t think I’d race to go back though. So the wife and I had not met before and so she asks me “So what are you into?” Um… So I answer”I love movies and read a lot. I scrapbook and…” and the she cut me off, “Oh okay, you are a scrapbooker” and started talking about that . I didn’t really think about it before but later that night I was like wait a minute, we didn’t talk about anything else really so now to this woman I am just a “scrapbooker.” Not that I don’t enjoy scrapbooking but I am so much more! It feels weird to me that someone thinks of me as a “scrapbooker” because I don’t actually see myself as a stereotypical scrapbooking mom. I kinda hope we get together again with this couple so I can show that there is more to me. Maybe it’s weird that I even care?!?!?!