Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Viva Las Vegas

To Celebrate Pa Pa's Birthday me and Big A joined him and Ma in Las Vegas! We had a FANTASTIC time, lounging in the pool, enjoying amazing food, Catching a magic show, playing endless games at Circus Circus. Check out the highlights of the trip.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Open Wide Little a

Our little cutie had her first trip to the dentist. "Bruder" got her all excited about going, telling her about the slide in the waiting room, the TV's on the ceiling and the prize basket "If you're a really good girl." The way he talked it up you'd have thought we were going to Disneyland. This was perfect though because she was totally stoked to be going.

She was the perfect little patient and Dr. Stewart (of  little People's Dental) was amazing with her. He was kind and patient and put her totally at ease. Big A had his yearly exam too.

These kids obviously do NOT take after their mother. No signs of a cavity, perfect check-up!