Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Un-Back-To-School post

You can't go into a store right now without seeing backpacks, lunch boxes and crayola products everywhere. Yes, it's Back-to-school time. Instagram and facebook are absolutely flooded with first day of school pics. It's fun to see all the kids dolled up for their first day.

Over the past couple of weeks everywhere we go people have asked Big A about going back to school. Most people think my big  "little guy" is going into first or second grade. It has been funny saying, "not yet, he's only 4."

Big A missed the state mandated birthday deadline by about a month and a half so he will not be starting till next year. I have to say that I am so very thankful for this. It actually completely freaks me out that this is my last year with my buddy at home with me. I guess I am a selfish Mom. I absolutely love our time together, he is such an amazing little guy, I can't imagine him not being with me everyday. I know he has to grow up someday, heading off to school and friends leaving boring Mom behind.
But not now. For now I'm still "Cool Mom", his "Best Buddy" and we have another year of great adventures together.

SO see you later Backpack, Bye Bye Lunchbox...we wont be needing you till next year!


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